Thursday, January 22, 2009

An Ode to World of Warcraft

Slip on your sweatpants and grind with me,

Linked accounts, yeah! 3x EXP

We'll fuck this shit up PvE,

Run away before I Holy Bolt thee!

Destroying monsters with my Rustic Staff,

Feeling so good, I can't help but /laugh,

I haven't been outside in a week and a half,

But I'm in a virtual forest, killing giraffes.

Blazing trails on my epic mount,

A recent duel explains my dropping blood count.

All of this, for just a minimal amount,

Twenty dollars a month from my college savings account.

Insomnia, yeah, that’s my guild,

Just ask us how many monsters we’ve killed.

Don’t mess with us – we’re all quite skilled,

Stop calling me on weekends (my schedule’s filled)!

They say this game sucks your life away,

But they’re all haters; they’ve never played.

Leveling is more important than getting laid.

/4 LF 2 more RFK!!!

So thanks but no thanks, I’d like to continue,

I’ll lock myself in - level 80, pursue.

By the way Mom, I need some Top Ramen to chew,

For I have much Peacebloom gathering to do.

So come along kids, let’s do this quest!

Onyxia’s Lair is just to the west.

Make sure to go to the inn and get some rest,

This raid will be a worthy test.

So before you dismiss our hobby as lame,

Run to the store, and pick up the game.

You’ll soon realize the power of the mage’s flame,

Just go ahead and play – no need to be ashamed.